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Step 2: Motivation

Now that you have fully accepted yourself, not just for the way you look or the way you feel, but accepting who you are as a person, Now its time for Step 2, Motivation!

Motivation can be very hard to come by, but it is the KEY Ingredient to any successful goal, any plan and a successful life. Motivation is what drives you, what wakes you up in the morning with full energy, motivation alone can fuel your day and your workouts, motivation is a very strong mind set.

People swear by motivation that much they say its why they are so successful in their jobs, the motivation made them work harder, focus more, and getting tasks done every single day, making them get noticed and move up the career ladders quicker. It motivates you to plan, to make goals, to do things you wouldn't of done before, it pushes you to be the very best you can be.

Now as good as motivation sounds, its not always that easy to come by, some are just gifted at being self motivated and dont need much help, others have a hard time being motivated(like me) and tend to need that little extra help.

Using your goals is a good way to get your motivation, always ask yourself WHY, why you want to lose weight, why you want to build muscle, why did you set yourself that goal. If that doesnt quite work i have put a list of ones that helped me out:-

-Write down your goals and stick them on a wall where you will see them every day

-Find someone to follow on youtube that inspires you and does a few workout videos a week, i would recommend Furious Pete and make sure you watch videos every day

-watch a movie that makes you want to fulfill your goals, or even watch tv programs where people lose loads of weight

-print out quotes and pictures of a body type that your aiming towards and stick that on your wall too.

These are just a few that helped me.

The downsides to having a lack of motivation or no motivation are not fully putting your effort into a workout, not focusing on your diet, feeling down and that you have failed, not wanting to get out of bed. STOP! this is not you, you are inside somewhere waiting to be found, your not a failure, even if you make a mistake and miss a day out of the gym, or you eat something you wasn't supposed to, your not a failure, you are making progress, it doesn't need to be perfect as long as you are still working towards that goal you set yourself, always remember Progress Not Perfection

I live by these works, it makes me think of it more of a life style change rather than a schedule that you hate and have to do everyday, take it step by step and make progress, you need to find what motivates you and stick to it, so Accept yourself, now Motivate yourself, make a list and stick with it, i know you can do it.

Furious Pete:-

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