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Step 3: Do Your Research

Now the first steps are over and done with and your confident that you can motivate yourself and you have accepted yourself in your mind and body then your ready for Step 3, Research.

If you type in things like "how to lose weight" in google you will have not one, not two, but thousands of different websites, articles, blogs and many more different formats all over the internet, the hard part is choosing one.

You will get things from "lose weight in 6 weeks" or "drop 2 dress sizes in 21 days" "get a six pack in 30 days" "lose 20lbs in just a couple of days", so you see how it can be hard to weed out actual helpful articles and websites compared to click bait ones who are just wanting you to click on to their website or their blog, or watch their youtube channel, you will encounter a whole lot of these so be careful!

First you need to think what your wanting to do, are you wanting to lose weight? build muscle? get stronger? or just be all round fit and healthy, lets stick with weight loss for now.

So your looking to lose weight but have no idea where to start, with countless diet plans, workout plans, different supplements to aid you in weight loss, whats safe and not safe in the amount of weight you can lose, how do i get rid of unwanted belly fat ect. This is where your research comes in, make sure you know what your wanting, and try to stay clear from click bait sites and look for actual helpful ones.

Research on healthy foods, whats good and whats bad, research on a workout plan, are you working out at home or going to a gym? there will be different workouts for different situations, look at some supplements that will help aid your weight loss and give you the vitamins you need while cutting down on your calories so your body is getting everything it needs, find a site or a person you can look up to and trust and stick with that, you will get many people saying "thats wrong, this is wrong, this is right" you will always find that so dont go with what people say go with what makes sense and is easier for you.

Research on different types of cardio there is LISS which is a slow way of working out over a long period of time, like your on the treadmill for about 30-40 minutes at a slow and steady pace, or there is HITT which is high intensity interval training, for example on your treadmill you go all out for 30 seconds hard, and then slow down for a nice and steady walk for 40 seconds then back up again and down again, this is supposed to target body fat quite well, but you can get great results from either.

If your weight lifting make sure you research on different variations of workouts and which ones work best for weight loss, from full body workouts 2/3 times a week to 3 day splits, 4 day splits and 5 day splits working different body parts, most articles suggest full body exercises using mainly compound movements, compound movments use the big muscle groups and targets loads of other little ones too, bench press, shoulder press, dead lifts, squats, these do multiple muscles.

Diet is quite easy to workout if you stick to your macros and count calories, Macros are simple Protein, Carbs and fats, these are important for your journey, protein repairs muscle and grows which you can find in lean meats like chicken, turkey, tuna, beef, lamb, carbs give you energy either fast release or slow release depends what carbs you eat from oats, breads, pastas, potatoes and veg, fats you can find in cheese, nuts, peanut butter, olive oils and coconut oils, milk, butter.

Start by having a hand sized portion of protein on your plate with plenty of veg and a bit of a carb like sweet potato or brown rice, fats can come from the oil you cooked your protein in, from avocado, cottage cheese, normal cheese, butters ect. Diet can be hard if you over think it but if you do your research and find something you think will work for you that is perfect.

The main Part of your research should be about calories in vs calories out, how much you eat and how much of it is used up. First find yourself a calorie counter:- Use this link and fill in the details, after you should get your daily calories to gain weight or lose weight, then stick to this, if you want to lose more weight either workout more, or take a few more calories off.

If your wanting to lose weight fast make sure you know some of the consequences involved with it, if you lose weight too quickly you could end up with quite a lot of lose skin, so you trade one problem for another really, but this one can be much more difficult to get rid of, most needing surgery so be careful, lose about 1lb to 3lb a week at most, this will keep you safe and limit the amount of lose skin afterwards.

Free 12 week weight loss plan and other helpful safe tools:- Dont be discouraged by this blog post of mine, you can do the research however you like, it doesnt need to be complicated, just know what you want to do and look it up, be mindful of websites and find something that works for you.

I offer Workout Plans for people too, currently i have it up on my Fiverr, but i will offer free plans to people who follow me and my blog.

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